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ref:topbtw-1734.html/ 21 Agosto 2019/A


Donald Trump:
risparmia milioni di dollari.. dei contribuenti !

Planned Parenthood Opts Out Of Getting Federal Funds Thanks To Trump Admin ..
President Trump promised that he would do more to stop the millions of tax payer dollars being funneled to the abortion factory of Planned Parenthood (and then to democrats),

...and his administration has done it..

In a move that has taken time, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion factory in America, is finally opting out of a federal program that helps subsidize abortions.

President Trump’s administration made the decision early on, but the behemoth corporation wanted as much free tax money as they could get, so they sued the government over the decision.

However, recent court rulings have backed the decision, so there’s nothing left for Planned Parenthood to do… they opted out.

Incidentally, they opted out of a grant program that’s only requirement was NOT to refer low-income women to abortion providers.

Agencies and business that still accept the grant simply have to refer women to adoption and other alternatives to abortion.

But, Planned Parenthood won’t do that.

Reuters reported:

In addition to barring recipients from making abortion referrals, the policy requires financial and physical separation between facilities funded by Title X and those where actual abortions are performed.

The rule, imposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is part of a broad effort by the Republican president, his allies in Congress and numerous Republican-dominated state legislatures to curtail abortion access in recent years.

Planned Parenthood, accounting for about one-fifth of all Title X funds granted, had vowed to cease accepting money from the program months ago, when HHS said it would start enforcing the new restrictions.

The group said it would rely instead on private donations and emergency funds to make up the difference as best it could.

Monday’s move marked a formal Title X withdrawal, to remain permanent unless Congress acts to overturn the restriction or legal challenges prevail in court.

“Due to an unethical and dangerous gag rule, the Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood grantees out of Title 10,”
Alexis McGill, acting president and CEO of Planned Parenthood, told journalists on a conference call.

[Not unethical, and nothing was forced.
It’s their CHOICE.]

Planned Parenthood is not alone. Legislatures in Maryland and Massachusetts preemptively adopted measures to opt out of Title X and provide state funding in its place if the new rule took effect.

And governors of five other states – Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Washington – have said they would do the same.

So has Maine Family Planning, a nonprofit, sole recipient of Title X funds in that state.

Congress appropriated $286 million in Title X grants in 2017 to Planned Parenthood and other health centers to provide birth control, disease screening and other reproductive health and counseling services to poor women.

That funding already was prohibited from being used to pay for abortions, but abortion opponents have long complained that the money in effect subsidized Planned Parenthood as a whole, including its abortion services.

The organization had been providing ‘healthcare’ to about 40% of the 4 million people who rely on Title X funding annually, with 600 of its clinics receiving money from the program.

Critics said Planned Parenthood’s action showed it was primarily focused on abortion.

“In withdrawing from Title X, Planned Parenthood has made it crystal clear that abortion is its number one priority,”
said Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow with the Catholic Association.

Federal judges in Washington state, California and Oregon, among nearly two dozen states challenging the administration’s rule in court, issued preliminary injunctions against its enforcement earlier this year.

But the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on June 20 lifted those injunctions, and the same court rejected emergency bids to overturn that decision in July.

That allowed the restrictions to take effect while court cases proceed.

The rule largely restored a restriction created in 1988 and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991, only to be suspended by the Clinton administration in 1993.

Courtesy by Georgette

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