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ref:topbtw-1789.html/ 12 Ottobre 2019/A

Sudan’s North and South Kordofan

African Development Bank approves
$31.3 million grants for water and sanitation facilities


The African Development Bank Group on 9 October, 2019 approved an African Development Fund (ADF) grant of $30 million and a $1.3 million grant from the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative Trust Fund for the upgrading of water and sanitation facilities in Sudan’s North and South Kordofan states.

The project will improve livelihoods and build resilience against climate change in the two states, including nomadic communities, by enhancing reliability of water and sanitation services and enhancing the public health system to benefit some 435,000 people.

It is expected to create income-generating opportunities and foster the development of alternative livelihood activities as current economic activities in the area are constrained by lack of reliable water sources.

The upgraded system will also provide water to more than 300,000 heads of livestock.

The board of directors welcomed the proposal saying, the project will address basic needs of the communities and tackle gender disparities while ensuring economic empowerment of the communities.

It will bolster stability in the country through improvement of basic services and the environment for economic activities.

Wambui Gichuri, Director of Water Development and Sanitation Department of the African Development Bank, said:
“In addition to improving water and sanitation services in the target areas, the project will ensure women’s equitable participation in decision making and provide alternative livelihood sources.”

Currently, per capita water consumption in the project target area is 7-18 litres per day against national target of 30 litres.

Families in the project areas pay nine to 12 times more for water, compared to other states.

( BAD )

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