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ref:topbtw-2004.html/ 7 Maggio 2020/A


ed ora è in arrivo...

pure il mutante DL14G ?

Forse pure lui..geneticamente modificato ?
More Contagious Coronavirus Found

Ma ci mancava pure il mutante ?

Ed ora potrebbe arrivare il primo mutante, ovvero il DL14G. Sfortunatamente, come già noi si era previsto il 24 Febbraio con l' articolo "prova di sterminio" …

Ecco un paragrafo..

"E poi, ancora peggio, con la possibilità di rapide mutazioni che potrebbero far di nuovo prima ammalare e poi morire anche chi è stato dimesso perché apparentemente era risultato guarito.

Risultato "guarito" in base a dei test validi solo per la variante.. già vecchia !

E quindi, bene o male, credo proprio che questa probabile arma "subdola" e "discreta" sarà l'inizio della fine del sogno Cinese.

Perché il costo economico non solo sarà enorme ma perché porterà ad una generale "inflazione" globale appena la Cina, a corto di quattrini, metterà all'incasso le "cambiali senza valore" che ha in portafoglio..

" Ecco il link al vecchio articolo..

Ora è stato identificato - così pare - il primo "mutante" denominato DL14G

Mutazione che, speriamo, non possa innescare una "seconda ondata" che, a questo punto, non potrebbe essere che veramente catastrofica per tutta l'umanità.
Una umanità che potrebbe essere veramente sterminata..

According to experts, there is no need to freak out over the discovery, essentially since this is the variety that has been plaguing us since mid-March.

The media was quick to pounce on the fact that a new study has determined that a mutant coronavirus strain, which is more contagious than the original, has been discovered.

The fear-mongering that many outlets feel compelled to ‘report,’ has many people shaking their heads in disgust, because experts say that such a mutation was expected.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The study, led by a group of scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, confirmed the new strain of coronavirus came to light in February in Europe and was later found on the East Coast of the United States.

The scientists said it has become the dominant strain present in the world since mid-March, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday.

The study also found that the virus may have the potential to infect a person a second time, in contrast to the earlier version of the coronavirus, which is unlikely to cause reinfection.

The data, unveiled last week by BioRxiv, which allows researchers to share their work before it’s peer-reviewed, indicate there are multiple combined factors that make the new virus dangerous. [They claim.]

The factors include the fact that human beings do not have any direct immunity to the coronavirus (leaving them vulnerable to the infection), that it is highly contagious, and that it has a high mortality rate.

[But, does it? If this is the strain that has plagued the world since mid-march, wouldn’t six weeks of spread show higher fatality rates?]

However, some health professionals have disputed the need to fear the new study.

Bill Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, wrote on Twitter that mutations in the earlier version of the virus were already predicted and happen as genomes replicate.

“Comes with the territory like showers with the springtime,” Hanage said.

The Los Alamos team was assisted by scientists at Duke University in North Carolina and the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom and identified a total of 14 mutations.

The mutations occurred among the nearly 30,000 base pairs of RNA that other scientists say make up the coronavirus’s genome.

The report authors focused on a mutation called D614G, which is responsible for the change in the virus’s spikes, per the Los Angeles Times.

Courtesy by Georgette

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