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ref:topbtw-2544.html/ 16 Giugno 2020/A


Isolette greche : prove di invasione ?

Turkey conducts exercises on 'how to invade Greek islands'
'how to invade Greek islands'

New York

Turkey last week conducted provocative military exercises and released many photos that suggests it was training for the invasion of Greek islands.

Following exercises with its air force and navy in the Mediterranean, Turkey published photographs from amphibious exercises mocking beach landings and invasions.

This is reminiscent to Turkey's invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and at a time when Turkish propaganda is escalating the mythology that 18 eastern Aegean islands belong to Turkey and not Greece.

According to an announcement, the Turkish navy held exercises from June 9th to 12th in the Mediterranean and the Aegean.

Warships, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), naval cooperation aircraft and naval helicopters and special forces were involved, Militaire reported.

With Turkey failing to asymmetrically invade Greece with illegal immigrants earlier this year across the land border, the Turkish leadership are finding new ways to pressurise Greece.

As Greece has one of the most powerful navies in the world, one that has not been defeated in combat since its modern formation in 1821, Turkey is demanding that Greece demilitarise its Aegean islands, despite their own aggression and mock invasions of the islands.

Speaking with Sözcü, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar, said
"We are in favour of international law, good neighbourly relations and solving problems with dialogue in relations with Greece.
We want to improve the neighbourhood."

"Greece's approach to the issue makes it difficult to solve problems on a common ground,"
the defence minister said, citing the Treaty of Lausanne as reasons why Greece must demilitarise the 16 islands in question.

Although the Treaty of Lausanne does stipulate that Greece must demilitarise the islands, Turkey itself sees the Treaty as "expired."

We remind our readers that Maksut Serim, dubbed Erdo?an's "secret keeper," told Ahmet Ergün, a close friend of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an for decades, in a wiretapped phone conversation in 2013 that
"this is the year the Lausanne Treaty expired and the articles of the Lausanne Treaty were shelved,"
as revealed by Nordic Monitor.


( Gagrule )

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