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ref:topbtw-2578.html/ 20 Luglio 2020/A


3800 "terroristi" verso la Libia ??

Pentagon Report: Turkey Sent Up to 3,800 Terrorist Fighters to Libya

La notizia ignorata dalla grande stampa italiana di disinformazione di massa, e che mai conoscerete...

La Turchia invia in Libia i "terroristi" per sconfiggere Haftar.. Ma, dopotutto..

Turkey sent between 3,500 and 3,800 paid Syrian fighters to Libya over the first three months of the year, the U.S. Defense Department..

New York

The report comes as the conflict in oil-rich Libya has escalated into a regional proxy war fueled by foreign powers pouring weapons and mercenaries into the country.

Turkey sent between 3,500 and 3,800 paid Syrian fighters to Libya over the first three months of the year, the U.S. Defense Department's inspector general concluded in a new report, its first to detail Turkish deployments that helped change the course of Libya's war.

The report comes as the conflict in oil-rich Libya has escalated into a regional proxy war fueled by foreign powers pouring weapons and mercenaries into the country.

The U.S. military has grown increasingly concerned about Russia's growing influence in Libya, where hundreds of Russian mercenaries backed a campaign to capture the capital, Tripoli, in the country's west.

( Gagrule )

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