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I nostri lettori: in oltre 77 Nazioni - Our readers: in over 77 Nations - Nos lecteurs: dans plus de 77 Nations

ref:topbtw-2584.html/ 26 Luglio 2020/A


Si allarga il fronte dei combattimenti, dalla Siria alla Libia..

Turkey moving The War from Syria to Libya, With New Players and Shuffled Alliances

Notizia ignorata in Italia e che non potrete leggere sui mezzi di disinformazione di massa...

Il folle sogno islamista..dilagherà ancora di più con pavidi cristiani zitti, compiacenti e proni...

Egypt and Turkey are the main rivals fighting for control in the North African country, but the conflict is also where the strategic interests of Arab countries, the EU, and Russia clash - as the U.S. watches from the sidelines.

New York

Egypt and Turkey are the senior rivals in the struggle for control in Libya, but they are definitely not the only ones in the battlefield, which over the past year has replaced Syria as an arena for international strife.

Il bell'addormentato..nel si sveglierà mai ?

The Arab circle of players also includes the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Algeria and Tunisia.

Other participants include Russia, Italy and France, while on the sidelines is the United States, taking notes..

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