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ref:topbtw-2653.html/ 3 Ottobre 2020/A

Italia /Libia
Le telefonate...

di Di Maio...

non servono a liberare i pescatori di Mazara del Vallo...

ancora prigionieri..

Italy calls on international players

to support Libyan dialogue.

Le notizie che non trovate sugli organi di disinformazione di massa..


The Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, called on all foreign international parties, who may have some impact on the Libyan players, to use their influence to encourage all parties to continue on the road of dialogue.

Di Maio confirmed, during a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu in Rome, that the plans announced by the United Nations are beginning to bear fruit, commending the work of the Acting United Nations Representative to Libya, Stephanie Williams.

Regarding the decision by Al-Sarraj to submit his resignation, Di Maio stressed that the outcome of his decision would depend on the establishment of what he called an effective institutional structure, d escribing Al-Sarraj’s decision as a courageous and responsible one.

( Source: Rabia Golden )

160- - 5 G DIFFUSION - - "300 Castelli" -- "300 Castelli" - Presentazione - Italiano - 2' 30" -

La nuova serie televisia: i 300 castelli Italiani La nouvelle série télévisée " 300 châteaux d'Italie"


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