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ref:topbtw-2671.html/ 21 Ottobre 2020/A


Trump ed i voi rubati ?
Pennsylvania: una vittoria rubata ?

Le notizie che non trovate sugli organi italiani di disinformazione di massa..

New York

Last week, thanks to patriots, we launched our Get Out The Vote letter writing and phone banking programs, in addition to our text messaging program that has been going strong for a few weeks now.

Based on requests from activists and reports about what's happening on the ground, we are adding Pennsylvania to our text messaging, phone banking, and letter writing campaigns.

There are a few reasons we are adding Pennsylvania, according to Trafalger Group - the pollster who got 2016 polling right, as well as Ron DeSantis' win in Florida.

First, according to Trafalger Group, President Trump is down in Pennsylvania.

Second, while they believe that undecideds would break toward President Trump, Robert Cahaly of Trafalger Group says,
"I believe Pennsylvania to be the No. 1 state that Trump could win and have stolen due to voter fraud."

( Courtesy by Jenny Beth Martin )


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