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ref:topbtw-2763.html/ 23 Ottobre 2020/A

Libia ..
120 i voli sospetti...

ma e poi ?..

Rapporti e chiacchere..
IRINI, ovvero la "missione europea" che non ferma neppure un gommone..

La notizia che non trovate sugli organi di disinformazione di massa..

Milano -

Che fine ha fatto Ali Mahmoud Hassan Mohamed.. ed il malloppo da 70 miliardi di dollari ?

Zero migranti dalla Libia ?
Assolutamente no.. la missione IRINI guarda da un'altra parte..fra le nuvole ?

Ma è riuscita a fermare ed ad ispezionare un "cargo sospetto".. poi rilasciato in quanto il carico era perfettamente in regola..

EU's Operation IRINI detects 120 flights suspected of carrying weapons to Libya

European Union’s naval mission operating off the Libyan coast, Operation IRINI, said that by monitoring 25 airports and landing strips, it had detected 120 suspect flights possibly carrying military related cargos back and forth to Libya.

Operation IRINI said in a statement Tuesday that it had been contributing to the UN arms embargo and the prevention of oil smuggling with 16 special reports to the United Nations Panel of Experts concerning both sides of the conflict in Libya, in an impartial manner.

IRINI said it also boarded and inspected the Merchant Vessel (MV) MEDKON SINOP, which is a Panama flagged General Cargo ship that departed from Ambarli in Turkey on 18 October and was heading to Misurata in Libya.

“The boarding team examined the available documentation on board and inspected the cargo (in containers) on a random basis.

Nothing suspicious was found and the boarding team returned to its unit allowing the vessel to proceed on its way.”

The statement reads.

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