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ref:topbtw-2791.html/ 20 Novembre 2020/A

"Fatti e Misfatti"...

Nato il 20 Novembre dell'anno 1942, Joe Biden, avvocato, giusto giusto oggi, compie 78 anni..

E poi, assai probabilmente, a Gennaio, diverrà il prossimo Presidente USA il frutto di un enorme "glitch"..

Salvo sorpresine..

Non sarebbe assai "eticamente corretto" se poi un bel numero di voti apparisssero tutti manipolati a suo favore..

Hanno votato i morti, ( ma accadeva anche in Italia.. ) e poi in alcune contee hanno votato più elettori che residenti..
( in Italia non pare sia mai accaduto..)

Altrove si sono trovati sacchi di schede elettorali "pro Trump".. nella spazzatura..

In altri casi gli osservatori pro-Trump non sono stati ammessi a verificare i conteggi..

In altri casi ancora le macchinette per il voto elettronico si sono inceppate ..

Ed ora vi è la dimostrazione "scientifica" che è stato attuato il sistema del "glitch", ovvero dell' avvantaggiare Biden e svantaggiare Trump, esattamente come nei videogame..

Insomma gli USA, ancora una volta, pare che in fatto di brogli elettorali, abbiamo fatto progressi non indifferenti..

Ma allora ci si chiede, se dopo le doverose e puntiali verifiche, dovesse emergere una diffusa frode elettorale, che credibilità avrà mai il settantottenne Joe Biden, che avrebbe in mano le redini degli USA ad ottanta anni.. ed oltre ?

Il Presidente "Glitch" ?

A questo punto solo Putin ci puo' salvare dal Glitch-President..

Perché è molto meglio un nemico onesto che un amico glitch.. del quale non ti potrai mai fidare..

Certamente per Putin è meglio avere un nemico-amico irruente, molto cow-boy, ma che mantiene la parola data, che un alleato infido, creato con un "glich" e che certamente è solo l'esperessione di un manipolo di burattinai non tanto occulti..

Basta leggere la lista dei "donatori" che hanno riempito le casse della campagna elettorale di Mr. Glitch..

E Putin l'avrà ben letta...

“It’s A National Conspiracy” Witnesses “Trained” To Switch Votes To Biden

This was incredible… finally, it seems like Americans have some people who are willing to stand up!

Today, (Nov. 19th) the lawyers for President Trump delivered a news conference that has destroyed democrat claims of a ‘fair’ election.

Laying out the truth with boldness and accuracy, the press conference was stunning!

Townhall reported:

Speaking to reporters from the Republican National Committee in Washington D.C. Thursday afternoon, Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani presented evidence he says suggests a pattern of planned voter fraud that was perpetrated in multiple states.

“As we started investigating, both our investigations and the very brave and patriotic American citizens that have come forward, extraordinary number of people, extraorgidanry number of witnesses, and what emerged very quickly is it’s not a singular voter fraud in one state.

This pattern repeats itself in a number of states.

Almost exactly the same pattern, which to any experienced investigator, procesturtor, would suggest there was a plan from a centralized place to execute these acts of voter fraud specifically focused on big cities and big cities, as you can imagine, big cities controlled by Democrats and particularly focused on big cities that have a long history of corruption.

The number of voter fraud cases in Philadelphia could fill a library,” Guiliani said, flanked by Attorneys Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis.

“The only surprise I would have found in this is if Philadelphia hadn’t cheated in this election because for the last 60 years they’ve cheat in just about every single election.

You could say the same thing about Detroit.

Each one of these cities is controlled by Democrats which means they can get away with anything they want to do.”

“They were good.
I don’t know that they were that good because they made significant mistakes, like all crooks do, and we caught them,” he continued.

Mayor @RudyGiuliani:
A few weeks ago Joe Biden said he had the best voter fraud team in the world, “they were good” but we caught them

— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) November 19, 2020

Guiliani went on to cite testimony from witnesses to bolster his case, ripped the media for falsely reporting there is “no evidence” of fraud and argued proper oversight was not executed while mail-in ballots were counted.

“Do you know how many affidavits were have in the Michigan case?

Two hundred and twenty affidavits,” he said.

“What they swear to is that at 4:30 in the morning, a truck pulled up to the Detroit center where they were counting ballots.

The people thought it was food so they all ran to the truck.

It wasn’t food, it was thousands and thousands of ballots and the ballots were in garbage cans, they were in paper bags, they were cardboard boxes and they were taken into the center.

They were put on a number of tables.

At that time they thought all of the Republican inspectors had left, all but two had.”

“Here’s what they jointly swear to: that every ballot that they could see, everything that they Ould hear, these were ballots for Biden.

When they saw a ballot, these were ballots only for Biden, nothing down ticket,” Guiliani continued.

“Many of them were triple counted.”

Mayor @RudyGiuliani DESTROYS the Fake News, accurately says they condone violent threats against American citizens who claim to witness voter fraud

— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) November 19, 2020

“Why would you not allow inspections of those ballots?

Because you knew you were going to use those ballots to catch Biden up,” Guiliani said, adding that the recount in Georgia will be worthless due to a lack of signature matching.

Sidney Powell also delivered bombshell after bombshell as ‘reporters’ were left fuming and attempting to spew lies about the election.

President Trump had announced the conference earlier today:

Important News Conference today by lawyers on a very clear and viable path to victory.

Pieces are very nicely falling into place. RNC at 12:00 P.M.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2020

He was right… again!

Courtesy by Georgette

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