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ref:topbtw-2800.html/ 29 Novembre 2020/A

Proud to be Made in CIA ?
Michigan : "Fatti e Misfatti"...

Il caso Michigan..

Joe Biden a Gennaio, diverrà il prossimo Presidente USA: il frutto di un enorme "glitch"..

Salvo sorpresine..

Non sarebbe assai "eticamente corretto" se poi un bel numero di voti apparisssero tutti manipolati a suo favore ?..

Powell Has Payoff “Check Stubs,” Michigan Had A 781% Turnout, Cyber Expert Proves Fraud ..

In this triple whammy, it’s quite clear that the race was rigged… and who knows for how long the rig has been running?

As the evidence of widespread election fraud continues to pour in, yesterday, a triple whammy was released against Joe Biden.

In fact, #Bidencheated trended yesterday on twitter, then mysteriously disappeared.

The energy was, in part, fueled by Sidney Powell’s announcement that she had physical (image) receipts of ballot harvesters being paid to cheat for Biden.

"We've got pictures of the check stubs paid to people to ballot harvest."

Uh oh. It looks like @SidneyPowell1 got the *RECEIPTS.*??

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 27, 2020

In another bombshell, one prescient in Michigan had over 781% turnout… how can liberals ignore this sort of evidence?

Are they simply irretrievably stupid, or just evil?

According to an affidavit in the MI lawsuit, one Michigan precinct/twnship had 781.91% turnout.

How does this happen? –

See Exhibit 14 page 3. Link to MI Lawsuit Exhibits: @TheJusticeDept @realDonaldTrump

— Bill Posey (@congbillposey) November 27, 2020

But, in possibly the most damning evidence of widespread fraud, Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, a highly respected data expert who is a cyber security and fraud genius, has explained in one affidavit filed by Powell that the entire results of the 2020 election were fraudulent.

And he proves it.

Conservative Treehouse reported:

Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, is an experienced cybercrimes investigator and digital security executive, who has worked with the CIA, NSA, FBI, and U.S. military counterintelligence.

In addition to his work with U.S. intelligence agencies Dr. Keshavarz-Nia works on cyber security and fraud with financial giants like Deutsche Bank and Stripe.

Within the documents filed by Sidney Powell in Georgia Wednesday, Dr. Keshavarz-Nia shares this bombshell assessment in his affidavit.

Ms. Powell has some high-powered experts in support of her court filings. [pdf link here]

Now, after reading this affidavit, it has become more and more essential, many experts argue, that every single Dominion machine must be impounded.

They cannot be used in the Georgia senate run-off race, given the level of evidence that is already out there.

Courtesy by Georgette

SOROS ed il cappio Ungherese..

19 Luglio 2017 ... Per non dimenticare....

Era il mese di Gennaio 2017 quando $oro$ , che non demorde mai, voleva fare causa a Trump..

La sua Organizzazione, con sede a Washington, che si chiama CREW , che poi sono le iniziali di :
"Citizens for Responsability and Ethics" , ovvero di " Cittadini per la Responsabilità e l'Etica" intendeva far causa a Trump, forse per questioni "etiche".

Il che, considerando che la finanzia Soros, già di per se stessa farebbe ridere..

Anche perché il ricco speculatore, negli ultimi anni, ha contribuito alla crescita del senso di Responsabilità ed all'Etica con diversi milioni di dollari di donazioni..a gruppi non particolarmente ligi sia al senso di responsabilità che a quello dell'etica.

Da: del 19 Luglio 2017..

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