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I nostri lettori: in oltre 97 Nazioni - Our readers: in over 97 Nations - Nos lecteurs: dans plus de 97 Nations

ref:topbtw-3153.html/ 19 Novembre 2021/A


Espansionismo Turco..

in Somalia

Notizia ignorata in Italia e che non potrete leggere sui mezzi di disinformazione di massa...

Un "IVECO-REGALO" da 30 milioni di dollari.


Ed ecco camion ed ambulanze come primo regalo di Erdogan alla Somalia..
Ed il prossimo ?
Qualche drone del figlio ?

Peccato che non si sappia cosa daranno i Somali , in cambio del primo dono, ad Erdogan..
Perché questi doni di oggi sono sempre un "debito d'onore" che la Somalia dovrà ben pagare un domani..

The Somali National Army (SNA) received military vehicles, including trucks and ambulances, donated by Turkey on Nov. 16 as part of Ankara’s support for the nation’s military.

Senior military officials received the donation after a ceremony at the Turkish Embassy in the capital of Mogadishu.

Officials from Turkey’s military mission, Turk-Som, also attended the ceremony and announced that Ankara will continue to support the SNA, the government and people of Somalia.

SNA army chief Gen. Odawa Yusuf Rageh told Anadolu Agency that Turkish military support is key in fighting Somali-based al-Qaeda affiliated terror group al-Shabaab.

Somalia’s elite military unit, Gorgor commandos, will use the vehicles and the ambulances.

Turkey has been providing training and military assistance to Somalia’s military to help build that nation’s military capacity.

Turkey is the first country to train Somali female police commandos after the first patch of officers arrived in Mogadishu in September.

They joined a special forces unit, Harmacad (Cheetah), after they underwent special training in Turkey.

The Gorgor and Harmacad elite units are fighting al-Shabaab.

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