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ref:topbtw-3310.html/ 25 Aprile 2022

ARMENIA : 107 anno dal massacro.. Per non dimenticare

We must learn to call a spade a spade..

" Pane al Pane, Vino al Vino"

Sarà per via della sua età, ( 79 anni - 20 Nov. 1942 ) sarà perché è pure tempo di dire le cose come stanno, ma ecco che Biden inizia a piacere per la sua diretta schiettezza..

Putin : "è un macellaio.. "
E questo è ancora dire poco..

Xi Jinping: "In lui neanche un briciolo di democrazia.."
E questo è ancora dire poco..

In his April 24 message, the US President again used the term #ArmenianGenocide by Turks

The President of the United States published his April 24 message, in which, like last year, Joe Biden used the term Armenian Genocide.

"On April 24, 1915, the Ottoman authorities arrested the leaders of the Armenian intellectual community in Constantinople.

Thus began the Armenian Genocide, one of the worst mass atrocities of the 20th century.

"Today we commemorate the 1.5 million Armenians who were displaced, massacred or sent to their deaths during the extermination campaign.

We mourn the loss of so many lives," reads the message posted on the White House official website.

"Reflecting on the Armenian Genocide, we reaffirm our promise to remain vigilant against the destructive effects of hatred in all its forms.

We are committed to raising and ending the atrocities that leave scars on the world.

"And by mourning the loss of the Armenian Genocide, we will redouble our efforts to heal and build a better, more peaceful world that we want for our children.

" Armenian-Americans are a vital part of the United States.
They make our state stronger, more dynamic, even carrying the tragic knowledge of what happened to their ancestors.

"We recognize their pain, we respect their history,"
Biden's message reads.

( Redazione )



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