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ref:topbtw-3452.html/ 14 Settembre 2022


I satelliti "Space X" di Elon Musk

Notte libica..

Un "trenino" di satelliti Space X è passato, l'altra notte, nel cielo della Libia

Alla fine ne saranno messi in orbita 12mila.

Starlink satellite train light up night sky in Libya

A trail of Starlink satellites from Elon Musk's SpaceX has been spotted flying overhead in the night sky of Libya's western region on Monday 12th.

The Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (LCRSSS) said the lighting objects were part of the 34 new satellites that were launched two days ago by SpaceX's Starlink Group.

The center says the satellites are operating in low-Earth orbit and that is why people were able to notice them.

According to the same source, Starlink deployed small satellites to cover the globe, hoping to provide satellite broadband services at low prices.

Elon Musk’s company intends to launch 12,000 satellites over the next decade, LCRSSS added.

( Redazione )



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