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ref:topbtw-3457.html/19 Settembre 2022/A

Il Processo in USA...

dollari e dollari...

Sempre alla sbarra...


Khalif Haftar si avvia verso una nuova pesante condanna penale, civile e morale.

Probabilmente, nel caso di un riconoscimento di colpevolezza Haftar potrebbe pure perdere la cittadinanza USA, e pure perdere ogni possibilità di candidarsi alle prossime vagheggiate elezioni presidenziali libiche.

In definitiva potrebbe essere l'occasione buona per farlo scomparire dalla scena politica..

After being convicted in US courts, Haftar faces new criminal case

Libya Observer report:

The Libyan-American Alliance (LAA) has announced that its legal team had filed a new lawsuit against warlord Khalifa Haftar, accusing him of being responsible for the bombing of the Military College in the capital, Tripoli, on January 4, 2020.

The Alliance clarified in press conference on Thursday that the legal team represents 3 families whose sons were killed in the air attack on the Military College while they were studying and undergoing training at the military college.

The indictment document refers to Haftar's personal responsibility for the extrajudicial killing of those victims through his full control of the attacking armed groups and mercenaries who contributed and assisted in this attack, the LAA added.

The Alliance’s new lawyer, Miya Griggs, said: "After filing the case, the Alliance seeks to hold all parties responsible for the instability in Libya to account, as well as all parties accused of human rights abuses and war crimes."

For his part, the head of the LAA, Essam Omeish, stressed the need to confront and challenge everyone who stands against stability and peace in Libya, including Haftar and the forces supporting his project, which have a track record of attacking civilians and violating international human rights laws.

In late July, a US court convicted Haftar of civil responsibility for war crimes he committed in Libya, after Libyan families filed lawsuits against him..


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