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I nostri lettori: in oltre 94 Nazioni - Our readers: in over 94 Nations - Nos lecteurs: dans plus de 94 Nations

ref:topbtw-3539.html/ 10 Dicembre 2022

Xi Jinping

YOUTUBE in salsa Cinese.

I falsi "infuencers"...

L'imperialismo : pure su Youtube..

Xi Jinping e la classe politica cinese sempre più folle e paranoica..

La supremazia della pura razza cinese, la sua futura e certa egemonia sul resto del globo, sono sempre di più simili alla "razza superiore" di Hitleriana memoria...

Gli Uihhurs, come ebrei, zingari, e tutti gli altri esseri disutili ed inferiori, alla fin fine vanno eliminati.

E la corsa alle nuove bombe atomiche aiuta di molto..

Ed allora ben vengano purei furbi del tutti dalla parte del potere..

'Guerrilla' influencers are pushing Chinese propaganda on YouTube

Chinese influencers have built audiences of millions on YouTube even though the platform is banned in their country and the Alphabet-owned video service officially does not allow individuals in China to earn advertising revenue.

How is this possible?
The answer, writes Fergus Ryan, lies with influencer-management agencies known as multichannel networks (MCNs).

Those operating in China are required to promote the Communist Party's agenda but can then share ad revenues with their video hosts.

"Their content closely hews to Communist Party narratives, but their less polished presentation has a more authentic feel that conveys a false sense of legitimacy and transparency about China's frontier regions that party-state media struggle to achieve,"
writes the Australian Strategic Policy Institute cyberpolicy analyst.

He argues that YouTube and other Western social media platforms need to close this loophole
"allowing MCNs to monetize content from creators based in China, as they are effectively subsidizing state-backed propaganda and disinformation efforts."

Perché la follia del potere volteggia ancora nei nostri cieli.

( redazione. )



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