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ref:topbtw-3543.html/ 14 Dicembre 2022


Una rondinella non fa primavera..
ma solo una zecca.. cap. 2

Lo scandolo della Eva Kaili, uno degli 8 vice-presidenti della Comunità Europea, con Panzeri & Co. certamente è un bel crollo d'immagine dei politici ben accomodati nelle poltrone di Bruxelles.

Quelli che bacchettano gli stati membri se non sono ben ligi ed obbedienti alle direttive, ma che poi magari sono ben invischiati in altre faccede che riguardano molto poco i loro elettori e molto di più il loro portafoglio..

Salvo che poi, in campagna elettorale, allora eccoli volteggiare come leggiadre rondinelle fra valli e monti del loro collegio elettorale..

Magari per poi scoprire che le leggiadre rondinelle sono rapaci predatori di aziende, di prebende e di consulenze.

E perché alla fin fine, evidentemente:
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" .. ma non solo..

Brussels cops raid more EU Parliament offices in Qatar probe European Parliament VP, European Parliament offices have now been sealed off.

Belgian police said that they had now searched 19 residences and offices in connection with the corruption probe.

European Parliament offices have now been sealed off.

The president of the EU parliament Roberta Metsola confirmed that the investigation has been going on for months.

Other details read like an old-school, money-under-the-table scheme.

There was a cash-filled suitcase seized in a Brussels hotel room containing several hundred thousand euros.

Police discovered another €600,000 in a single residence.

And one EU lawmaker’s apartment contained €150,000 in dollar bills.

Prosecutors said the latest raids were intended to grab IT equipment from Parliament staff before any data could be wiped.

The four suspects still being held will appear in court Wednesday, the prosecutors confirmed.

The explosive revelations have rocked Brussels, with officials nervously wondering who might be next.

The subject dominated conversations in the halls of Parliament on Monday in Strasbourg, where Parliament President Roberta Metsola vowed to launch a full investigation.

“We will meet this test head-on, there will be no impunity,” Metsola declared.

( G.C. - Redazione - Gagrule )



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