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I nostri lettori: in oltre 94 Nazioni - Our readers: in over 94 Nations - Nos lecteurs: dans plus de 94 Nations

ref:topbtw-3601.html/ 10 Febbraio 2023

Xi Jinping

I Palloni e le palle cinesi..

Xi Jinping e la classe politica cinese sempre più folle e paranoica..e bugiarda..

La supremazia della pura razza cinese, la sua futura e certa egemonia sul resto del globo, sono sempre di più simili alla "razza superiore" di Hitleriana memoria...

Da un pallone all'altro.. e magari ad altri ancora.. mentre la narrazione cinese prosegue con le solite reiterate falsità.

Certo che ai Cinesi i palloni scappano di mano facilmente..
Pare già una cinquantina di palloni-spia "metereologici" siano messi a vagare, per sbaglio, sui cieli altrui..

The China balloon shot down by the U.S. was equipped to detect and collect intelligence signals as part of a huge, military-linked aerial surveillance program that targeted more than 40 countries, the Biden administration declared Thursday, citing imagery from American U-2 spy planes.

A fleet of balloons operates under the direction of the People’s Liberation Army and is used specifically for spying, outfitted with high-tech equipment designed to gather sensitive information from targets across the globe, the U.S. said.

Similar balloons have sailed over five continents, according to the administration.

A statement from a senior State Department official offered the most detail to date linking China’s military to the balloon that was shot down by the U.S. last weekend over the Atlantic Ocean.

The public details outlining the program’s scope and capabilities were meant to refute China’s persistent denials that the balloon was used for spying, including a claim Thursday that U.S. accusations about the balloon amount to “information warfare.”

President Joe Biden defended the U.S. action.

And, asked in an interview with Spanish language Telemundo Noticias whether the balloon episode represented a major security breach, he said no.

“Look, the total amount of intelligence gathering that’s going on by every country around the world is overwhelming,” he said.

“Anyway, it’s not a major breach.

I mean, look ... it’s a violation of international law.

It’s our airspace.

And once it comes into our space, we can do what we want with it.”

Perché la follia del potere volteggia ancora nei nostri cieli.

( redazione. )



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