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Erdogan: paranoia ed isteria

- Le scuole di Fethullah Gulen in Sud Sudan..

Nella sua paranoica follia, ormai sulle onde di azioni veramente isteriche, Erdogan, domenica 7 Agosto, anziché prendersi una giornata di riposo fra un bagno di folla ed un'altro, ha ben pensato di telefonare ad un membro del governo del Sud Sudan, interrompendolo dalla tranquilla siesta.

Il motivo della telefonata domenicale ? Ha chiesto di aiutarlo ( il Sud Sudan ? ?? ) nella sua lotta contro il colpo di stato e, con l'occasione ringraziarlo per la chiusura di alcune scuole collegate al suo grande nemico, Fethullah Gulen.

E' vero che in Sud Sudan le Leggi sono certamente elastiche e, per gli amici, interpretabili a piacimento del potente di turno mentre per i nemici applicate con rigore.

Ed infatti il 4 Agosto - sempre su pressione turca - il governo del Sud Sudan aveva chiuso ben quattro scuole collegate a Gulen.

Certamente l'attività Turca nei confronti di Gulen e di ogni qualsiasi attività che possa essere collegata a lui, è diventata frenetica, paranoica ed isterica, in dispregio di una qualsiasi base del Diritto.

La richiesta ai giudici Italiani di: "lasciare in pace suo figlio" e di "occuparsi dei mafiosi" rientra nella logica di una mente decisamente ammalorata.

Il che significa un vero grande pericolo per tutta l'Europa

August 9, 2016 (KHARTOUM) -

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last Sunday called on the Sudanese government to shut down all the business companies liked to Fethullah Gulen, in the east African country.

Erdogan made his call while he was addressing by telephone a rally organized in the Sudanese capital attended by Sudanese officials in support of his government after the a failed military coup on July 15 that killed more than 240 people.

In his speech, the Turkish president thanked Sudanese government for its 4 August decision to close four schools run by Fethullah Gulen, a US-based religious leader accused of masterminding 15 July coup attempt in Turkey.

"The Sudanese stood behind the Turks in their ordeal since the first moments (of the abortive coup)"
Erdogan said in his address to a public meeting held in the Green Square on Sunday.

He further pointed out that he is following with interest , the measures taken by the Sudanese authorities for the closure of Gulen schools and companies.

"With the completion of these mesures, I hope that the leadership of the Sudanese government closes all the schools and companies linked to Gulen group," he said, describing it as a "terrorist group".

Since the coup bid, Turkish government has suspended and detained tens of thousands of people, including soldiers, police, judges, journalists, medics and civil servants.

Also, Erdogan vowed to rid of Gulen network in Turkey and around the world.

A total of 1,229 foundations and associations, 19 unions, federation and confederation and 15 foundation schools were also closed in Turkey, since 15 July.

Gulen who was an ally of Erdogan in the early years after his Islamist-rooted AK Party took power in 2002, denies any involvement in the coup.

Sudan and Turkey have strong trade and economic ties.

Turkish companies invest over $300 millions.

In 2015, the volume of trade between the two countries reached $ 450 million USD Dollars in 2015
(export to Sudan: $424,6 million; import from Sudan: $24,6 million), according the Turkish foreign ministry.

( Giorgio Comerio )

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