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ref:topbtw-497.html/ 24 Settembre 2016/B

Russia: vendite di armi alle stelle.. rosse !

Russia proves allegiance to Armenia through powerful weapons – ex-minister

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Le forniture di armi russe sono in netto rialzo..
Ormai le previsoni di chiusura bilancio 2016 sono con profitti .. alle stelle ( rosse )
Nonostante la recentissima mega-fornitura di caccia Francesi all'India, caccia da combattimento che pero' inizieranno ad essere consegnati solo fra un paio di anni, e fornitura Francese che sostituisce la caccia Russa, ecco che la Russia si muove sul concreto delle forniture tattiche di pronto impiego.

Ed ecco ora la fornitura di unità missilisitiche a medio raggio.. con pagamento a pronta cassa per la potente Rosoboronexport ?

Unità missilistiche con testate dalla capacità di carico "nucleare"..
Giocattolini che necessitano di addestramento da parte degli operatori e di capacità tecniche molto elevate per le operazioni di manutenzione periodica.
Insomma di un bel periodo di training presso le scuole di addestramento dell'armata rossa.

Il tutto con la benedizione politica della Putin-Duma e dell'Armata Rossa..

By supplying Armenia with powerful weapons, Russia practically proves its allegiance to the strategic ally, a former minister of defense said today, commenting on the Russian-Armenian arms supply deal.

“Those are the kinds of weapons which are never sold to any country at all. Different points are being considered here.
The mobile ballistic missile Iskander SS-26 and its predecessor, SCUD, can use a nuclear cap-binding complex, and that, understandably, cannot be given to a state which my become a non-ally (if not an enemy) sometime in the future,” he said, adding that only Armenia and Russia possess those weapons.

Asked whether he sees any political motive, Harutyunyan ruled out such a possibility.
“It cannot be political;
it has a military significance which serves a political objective to restrain Azerbaijan from yet another silly step.”

Harutyunyan said he doesn’t think Russia will sell more powerful weapons to Azerbaijan.
“A more powerful weapon is [the missile system] S-400, which it will never give to any country,”
he said, noting that a renewed war in the South Caucasus would not be in Russia’s interests.

Iskander-M – 9M723 version for Russian armed forces.
Range: published 415 km, rumoured 500 km.

Flight altitude up to 6–50 km, stealth missile, controlled at all stages, not ballistic flight path.
The intense maneuvering on takeoff and descent complicates prediction of target.
Missile constantly maneuvers during the flight.
Iskander-K (K stands for krylataya or "winged") - 9M728 cruise missiles, flight altitude up to 6 km, automatic adjustment in the way, follow of terrain relief in flight.
Range: 500 km.
R-500 is a completely different cruise missile, based and evolved from RK-55 3M10 and 3M54 3M14, Kh-101 102 ALCMs.

Currently the system includes 5 ballistic and 1 cruise missiles.

The S-400 Triumf , Triumph; NATO reporting name:
SA-21 Growler), previously known as S-300PMU-3, is an anti-aircraft weapon system developed by Russia's Almaz Central Design Bureau in the 1990s as an upgrade of the S-300 family.

It has been in service with the Russian Armed Forces since 2007.

The S-400 uses three different missiles to cover its entire performance envelope.
These are the extremely long range 40N6, long range 48N6 and medium range 9M96 missile.

( Gagrule )

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