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ref:topbtw-501.html/ 26 Settembre 2016/B

Obama implicato nello "scandolo" delle email di Hillary ?

Le email del Presidente..sotto la copertura di uno pseudonimo.

Obama implicated in Clinton email scandal – New FBI docs

Nota dell'Editore.

Ed andrà a finire che Hillary scivolerà.. sulla buccia di un'email !
E magari, a piazzargliela proprio sotto il tacco, sarà l' FBI..
Tempi duri per il Nobel per la Pace..

President Barack Obama used a pseudonym when communicating with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by email, while her IT company referred to her email deleting as a “cover-up”, new FBI documents reveal.

The heavily-redacted documents, almost 200 pages, include summaries of interviews with senior Clinton aides concerning the private email server, and brings to light details previously unknown.

During the interview with Huma Abedin, who served as deputy chief of staff under Clinton, the FBI reportedly presented her with an email exchange between Clinton and a person she did not recognize.

The FBI then revealed the unknown person’s name was believed to be a pseudonym used by Obama.

Abedin reacted by saying, “How is this not classified?”

This exchange could expose Obama as having mislead the public on the issue, given his 2015 statement that he found out about Clinton’s use of a private email server “the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports.”

The State Department will not make public the emails Clinton exchanged with Obama, citing “presidential communications privilege,” as reason to withhold the emails under the Freedom of Information Act.

( Gagrule )

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