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I nostri lettori: in oltre 94 Nazioni - Our readers: in over 94 Nations - Nos lecteurs: dans plus de 94 Nations

ref:topbtw-3943.html/ 8 Maggio 2024

Italia e Libia

Giorgia Meloni a Tripoli

Le innesime manfrinate...
Già il 10 Gennaio 2024: Italy boost joint efforts against money laundering, terror financing

7 Maggio 2024

The Libyan Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, received Tuesday May 7th in Tripoli Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her accompanying delegation.

Meloni arrived in Tripoli to meet with Dbeibah and the Head of the Presidential Council, Mohammed Menfi.

Dbeibah said on Facebook he had held fruitful talks with Meloni to enhance the prospects for joint cooperation between the two countries, adding that the meeting witnessed the signing of three agreements in the fields of health, higher education scientific research, and sports and youth.

"I look forward to continuing the work with Meloni to advance bilateral relations in the upcoming meetings." Dbeibah said.

According to the Italian Nova News Agency, the delegation accompanying the Italian Prime Minister included:
Minister of Universities and Research, Minister of Health, and Minister of Sports and Youth.

According to the Agency, declarations of intent will be signed by the three Italian ministers with their Libyan counterparts regarding university and research cooperation and in the fields of health, sports and youth.

Meloni is scheduled to visit Benghazi to meet Khalifa Haftar, in line with Italy’s unified commitment to be present across Libya and open discussions with all Libyan parties.

( Courtesy by ABDULKADERASSAD / Redazione )

La chiosa..

In una nazione ancora divisa in due, se non in tre, che senso hanno incontri, dibattiti, riunioni ?

Un popolo che, dopo oltre 12 anni dalla morte di Gheddafi ( 20 Ottobre 2011 ) , non è riuscito ad andare a votare, a dotarsi di una legge elettorale appena appena decente, che credibilità ha ?

Una classe politica praticamente connivente con i trafficanti di schiavi che con loro fa comunella..

Credibiltà ? Ma nessuna..
Ed allora, per cortesia, non perdiamo tempo con inutili manfrinate..

( Editore )



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