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ref:topbtw-4085.html/ 8 Ott 2024


- Revise the Combustion Engine Ban -

Molto da rivedere...

L'imposizione del "solo elettrico o niente" non è accettabile.

The EPP Group wants to tackle the growing crisis in the European car industry by revising the planned ban on combustion engines set for 2035.

"We need a revision of the ban on internal combustion engines. We must ensure that driving remains affordable for everyone, not just those who can afford expensive electric cars.

We should be driven by economic realism and remain technologically neutral.

If we do not, driving will become too expensive for many Europeans, and we will lose countless jobs in the automotive industry to competitors like China,” said Jens Gieseke MEP, the EPP Group's lead negotiator on the rules to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars and vans.

For the EPP Group, protecting European jobs and maintaining competitiveness is at the heart of the solution.

"The possible closure of plants, such as the Volkswagen factories in Germany and the Audi Brussels factory, is a real threat to thousands of jobs.

The ban on internal combustion engines must be urgently revised to protect workers and defend their future job prospects during the green transition.

The European Commission must follow up its ‘Green Deal’ with an ‘Industrial Deal’.

The EU must defend itself and its interests," stressed Dennis Radtke MEP, the EPP Group Spokesman on Employment and Social Affairs.

( Redazione )

La chiosa dell'Editore

Vettori elettrici ?

Ma avremmo bisogno di miliardi di watt di energia elettrica che dobbiamo produrre, trasportare ad alta tensione, ridurre a media tensione, ridurre a bassa tensione installando kilometri di linee elettriche e di pali di sostegno..

E come la produciamo ?

Con il nucleare che non abbiamo ?
Oppure sempre con il gas ed il petrolio ?

Oppure importando ancora più nucleare dalla Francia ?

Perché eolico e solare, già pure contestati, sono ben poca cosa..
Perché l'eolico ha le pale che disturbano la visone del profilo delle montagne oppure pure del lontano orizzonte a mare..

Perché i pannelli solari rubano l'erba dagli aridi campi che nessuno coltiva..



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