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ref:topbtw-4141.html/ 16 Gennaio 2025

Asylum and Migration pact
MEPs kick off scrutiny work of the Asylum and Migration Pact

The Working Group on Asylum-Implementation of the Pact/CEAS, formed by MEPs of all EP political groups, has started to monitor the implementation of the EU Pact on Asylum and Migration.

Chaired by Birgit Sippel (S&D, Germany), the Working Group on Asylum - Implementation of the Pact/CEAS (Asylum Working Group) met on Wednesday for the first time this term.

It will focus on scrutinising and monitoring the Common European Asylum System and the implementation of the Pact on Asylum and Migration.

After the meeting, Birgit Sippel made the following statement:

"I am honoured to be the Chair of this important working group, continuing the successful work of the Asylum Contact Group of the previous term.

After years of intense work, Parliament approved the comprehensive asylum reform in April 2024.

With this working group, we will closely follow the efforts by Member States and Commission to achieve full implementation of all legislative texts by summer 2026."

The Asylum Working Group includes the following members, in addition to the Chair:

Lena Düpont (EPP, Germany),

Ana Miguel Pedro (EPP, Portugal),

Tomas Tobé (EPP, Sweden),

Juan Ignacio Zoido Álvarez (EPP, Spain),

Murielle Laurent (S&D, France),

Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar (S&D, Spain),

Ana Catarina Mendes (S&D, Portugal),

Cecilia Strada (S&D, Italy),

Jorge Buxadé Villalba (PfE, Spain),

Assita Kanko (ECR, Belgium),

Fabienne Keller (Renew, France),

Malik Azmani (Renew, Netherlands),

Mélissa Camara (Greens, France),

Estrella Galán (The Left, Spain), and

Ewa Zajaczkowska-Hernik (ESN, Poland).


The Asylum Working Group was established by the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee on 21 November 2024.

It is tasked to scrutiny and monitor the Common European Asylum System and will in particular focus on the implementation of the Pact on Asylum and Migration.

The Pact, which entered into force on 11 June 2024, will be fully applicable as of mid-June 2026.

Last June the European Commission presented a Common Implementation Plan, with a view to have a well-prepared system in place by the end of the transition period.

The working group will hold exchanges of views with relevant institutions and stakeholders, including, but not limited to, the European Commission, the Council and EU Agencies. Meetings will take place in camera unless otherwise decided.

The Chair is responsible for regularly reporting to Civil Liberties Committee and the working group may provide recommendations to the political groups’ coordinators in the committee.

( Redazione - Bruxelles )

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